Two two-year contracts are available for the start-up, management and optimization of a plant mutagenesis platform. Applicants must be biotechnology, biochemistry or biology graduates, under 30 years of age, unemployed and registered as job seekers. The gross monthly salary that the hired persons will receive will be €2,072.93 (twelve payments a year). Start of the contract: December 1, 2023. Applications including CV and detailed academic record should be sent to Prof. José Luis Micol. See also BOUMH.
Funding source: Financiación: Subvenciones del “Programa Investigo”, de contratación de personas jóvenes demandantes de empleo en la realización de iniciativas de investigación e innovación en la Comunitat Valenciana. Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades y Empleo de la Generalitat Valenciana.